Join Us as a Monthly Partner in Spreading Joy and Hope!

At River of Joy Apostolic Ministries, we're excited to invite you to become a Monthly Partner in our mission to share God's love and joy with the world. Your commitment to partnering with us on a monthly basis ensures a consistent flow of support that empowers us to make a lasting impact in the lives of many.

What does it mean to be a Monthly Partner with River of Joy?


  1. Monthly Prayer Support: Dedicate time each month to pray for the ministry, its leaders, and the individuals we serve. Your prayers provide essential spiritual covering and guidance for our work.


  2. Monthly Financial Contribution: Your monthly financial partnership is the backbone of our ministry's operations. Your consistent giving enables us to plan effectively, support ongoing projects, and expand our outreach efforts.

  3. Spread the Word: Share the message of River of Joy with your network. Invite others to join us in experiencing the joy and hope found in Jesus Christ and encourage them to consider becoming Monthly Partners as well.

  4. Receive Regular Updates: As a Monthly Partner, you'll receive regular updates on the impact of your partnership. Stay informed about the lives being touched and transformed through our ministry.

Choose your Monthly plan:

You can view, adjust or cancel your monthly Partnership at any time via the link below.

Gratefully yours,

Senior Pastor and Evangelist Johan Tomassen,

River of Joy Apostolic Ministries