Join Our Church Planting Program!

At River of Joy Apostolic Ministries, we are committed to expanding God's kingdom and reaching new communities with the message of love, hope, and joy. Our Church Planting Program offers an exciting opportunity for passionate believers to get involved in planting new churches and strengthening existing congregations.


What is the Church Planting Program?

The Church Planting Program is designed to support and equip those called to establish new churches or revitalize existing ones. Our program provides comprehensive training, resources, and support to ensure the success of every church plant.


What We Offer

1. Training and Education: Participate in intensive training sessions led by experienced church planters and leaders. These sessions cover everything from vision development and leadership to practical aspects like site selection and funding.

2. Mentorship: Receive personal guidance from seasoned mentors who will support and advise you throughout your church planting journey.

3. Financial Support: Access to grants and fundraising tools to ease the financial burden of starting a new church.

4. Support Network: Become part of a community of like-minded church planters who encourage, support, and pray for one another.


Why Join?

- Make a Difference: Help bring the gospel to new communities and witness lives transformed.
- Grow in Your Faith: Deepen your relationship with God as you serve Him in a challenging and rewarding role.
- Build a Legacy: Create a lasting impact by establishing a community where people can grow in their faith and support one another.


How to Join?

1. Apply: For more information and to apply, contact us.
2. Orientation Meeting: After you apply, we will contact you to schedule an orientation meeting to learn more about your vision and calling.
3. Start Your Journey: Begin your training and get ready to plant a new church or revitalize an existing congregation!


Established Churches:


Putten, the Netherlands

Established in 2014, (leading pastor from 2014-2023)



Join our Church Planting Program and become an instrument of God's love and joy in the world. Together, we can make a lasting impact!

You can view, adjust or cancel your monthly Partnership at any time via the link below.

Gratefully yours,

Senior Pastor and Evangelist Johan Tomassen,

River of Joy Apostolic Ministries